Painting Industry Statistics

By corkcrm | July 19, 2018 | Start a Painting Business | No Comments

statistics for painting industry for your painting contractor business tipsBelow are some national statistics regarding employment in the painting industry, as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Institute of Business in Society for the year of 2013. 

Approximate employment: 192, 890 

Average hourly wage: $18.89 per hour 

Average annual wage: $39,290 per year 

Number of painting businesses in the US: 260,350 

Revenue produced by painting businesses: $31 billion 

States employing the highest number of painters:

  1. California (27,220)
  2. Texas (18,000)
  3. Florida (14,750)
  4. New York (12,090)
  5. Washington (7,240)

States with the highest employment of painters per thousand jobs:

  1. Hawaii (2.72)
  2. Washington (2.56)
  3. Louisiana (2.45)
  4. Nevada (2.25)
  5. Maine (2.16)

States which pay the highest annual wages to painters:

  1. Illinois ($52,990)
  2. Hawaii ($52,310)
  3. New York ($51,680)
  4. Alaska ($49,520)
  5. Missouri ($49,460)

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