5 Ways Contractors Can Be More Professional

By corkcrm | July 17, 2018 | Start a Painting Business | No Comments

Contractors are expected to behave professionally while on the job.  Not doing so will send a bad message to potential customers and employees, costing your business dollars, and costing you respect.  Here are 5 ways you can be more professional: 

CRM Reports 

1.  Wear boot covers when you step into someone’s home.  Even if your boots aren’t dirty, it really makes homeowners say “wow”. 

2.  Dress in company attire.  Do you have a shirt or jacket with your company’s name on it?  Showing up at an estimate in a company shirt will separate you from the Joe six-packs. 

3.  Be neat.  It’s okay if your work area is a disaster during work hours, but when it’s time to pack up, make sure everything is neatly organized and there is no trash lying around.  Homeowners pay attention this kind of stuff. 

4.  Respect your customer’s time.  Arrive 5 minutes early or right on time.  If you’re running behind, even if it’s just by a couple of minutes, call your customer to let them know. 

5.  Use language appropriately.  Most contractors know not to use crude language while on a job but the same can’t be always be said for hourly workers.  Listening to your employees swear makes your customers just as angry as hearing you swear so make sure you have the “language” talk with them ahead of time. 

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