Given all the internet buzz and, perhaps, advice from fellow contractors, you may be warming up to the idea that CRM is worth the investment. But take it from us: CRM is more than worth it – it's necessary if you want to drive up your company's profits. Frankly speaking, you can't afford not to try CRM software. With their extensive features, these programs are designed specifically to bring in more jobs and increase customer satisfaction, thereby making you more money in the long run. Here are some of the ways that CRM can earn you more business.
Automatic appointment confirmation
This feature helps reduce no-show homeowners by providing a quick and convenient way to confirm meetings. Calling customers for confirmation takes a lot of time and energy; CRM does the work for you and makes it more likely that the client will respond, guaranteeing that everyone is on the same page.
Drip email campaigns
The benefits of this tool cannot be overstated. Automated email marketing will help customers become familiar with your company and your services so they're ready to buy at the time of the estimate. You wouldn't hire a company you've never heard of, and you wouldn't expect your clients to do so, either. Email campaigns are a great way to get them thinking about what your business has to offer.
Electronic proposals
Eliminate tedious paperwork by taking advantage of the electronic proposals supplied by CRM software. These look more clean-cut than traditional paper documents and will give your company a more professional image. Opting for an electronic version will also ensure that the form doesn't get misplaced.
Automatic feedback collection
CRM's feedback collection feature presents the user with ready-made blog content. This makes the process of updating your blog a little less taxing, and more frequently updated blog content means a higher ranking in Google search results – which means more business. Additionally, you'll be able to identify unhappy customers and work to resolve issues before they make it to review sites.
Central client database
Having a single database for client records reduces the likelihood that you'll lose track of important information. Log essential data within seconds and quickly change it if necessary. This provides a much better method of organization than scribbling the customer's information on a piece of paper.
Electronic contracts
Here is yet another element of CRM that will wow your clients and make their lives (and your job) a little easier. Send out contracts electronically and allow your customers to sign online without ever leaving the comfort of their homes. Cut back on wasted time by getting signatures instantly instead of scheduling a time to meet in person.
Statistics and reporting
CRM can help you fine-tune your marketing strategy by providing reports and statistics on the success of your campaigns. The software will tell you the exact percentage of booked jobs credited to various sites and sources, so you'll be better aware of what's working – and what isn't. Learn which of your lead generators (whether Yellow Pages, AdWords, customer referrals, or otherwise) are doing the best job at promoting your business.